Senin, 11 November 2013

If You're Not The One (Jika Itu Bukanlah Dirimu) - Daniel Bedingfield

iseng nulis lirik lagu If You're Not The One (Jika Itu Bukanlah Dirimu) - Daniel Bedingfield . cekidot

English Lyrics

If you're not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you're not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call?
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all?

I never know what the future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with

I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

If I don't need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don't need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you're not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you're not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?

I don't know life so far away
But I know that its just a trip
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I'm praying you're the one I'Ve build my home with
I hope I love you all my life

I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

'Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
'Cause I love you, whether it's wrong or right
And though I can't be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side

I don’t wanna run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
Terjemahan Indonesia

Jika itu bukan dirimu,          Mengapa hatiku merasa gembira hari ini?
Jika itu bukan dirimu,          Mengapa tanganku seserasi ini dengan tanganmu?
Jika kau bukan milikku,       Mengapa hatimu membalas panggilanku?
Jika kau bukan milikku,       Mungkinkah aku punya kekuatan untuk berdiri?

Aku tidak pernah tahu apa yang dibawa sang masa depan
Tapi aku tahu kau di sini bersamaku saat ini.
Kita akan melaluinya.
Dan kuharap denganmulah akan kuhabiskan sisa hidupku.

Aku tidak ingin melarikan diri, tapi aku tidak bisa terima, aku tidak mengerti
Jika aku tidaklah tercipta untukmu, mengapa hatiku berkata lain?
Adakah jalan lain agar aku bisa tetap tinggal dalam rangkulanmu?

Jika aku tidak membutuhkanmu
Mengapa aku menangis di atas ranjangku?
Jika aku tidak membutuhkanmu
Mengapa namamu menggema di kepalaku?
Jika kau bukanlah untukku
Mengapa jarak antara kita mengoyakkan hidupku?
Jika kau bukanlah untukku
Mengapa aku memimpikanmu sebagai istriku?

Sampai sejauh ini aku tidak mengerti hidup
Tapi aku tahu ia hanyalah perjalanan.
Kita akan melaluinya.
Dan kuharap denganmulah akan kuhabiskan sisa hidupku.
Dan aku berharap bersamamulah aku akan mati.
Dan aku berdoa semoga denganmulah akan kubangun rumahku.
Kuharap aku mencintaimu sepanjang hidupku.

Aku tidak ingin melarikan diri, tapi aku tidak bisa terima, aku tidak mengerti
Jika aku tidaklah tercipta untukmu, mengapa hatiku berkata lain?
Adakah jalan lain agar aku bisa tetap tinggal dalam rangkulanmu?

Karena aku merindukanmu, jiwa dan raga, sangat kuat
Sampai-sampai aku kehabisan nafas.
Dan akupun menghirup dirimu ke dalam hatiku
Dan berdoa semoga aku punya kekuatan untuk berdiri hari ini
Karena aku mencintaimu, aku tidak peduli ini benar atau salah
Dan meskipun aku tidak bisa bersamamu malam ini
Kau tahu hatiku berada di sisimu.

Aku tidak ingin melarikan diri, tapi aku tidak bisa terima, aku tidak mengerti
Jika aku tidaklah tercipta untukmu, mengapa hatiku berkata lain?
Adakah jalan lain agar aku bisa tetap tinggal dalam rangkulanmu?



A.        Gelombang Memiliki Karakteristik (Ciri - Ciri) Secara Umum :

1. Dapat Dipantulkan atau Dicerminkan (Refleksi)
            Peristiwa pemantulan gelombang ini telah Anda kenal pada saat mempelajari optik geometri. Di kelas X. Pada peristiwa ini berlaku Hukum Pemantulan menurut Snellius.

2. Dapat Dibiaskan (Refraksi)
            Pembiasan dapat terjadi ketika gelombang melewati dua medium yang berbeda.

3. Dapat Dilenturkan (Difraksi)
            Difraksi (lenturan) terjadi ketika gelombang melewati sebuah celah sempit. Peristiwa ini
akan dibahas lebih lanjut pada pokok bahasan selanjutnya tentang Gelombang Cahaya.

4. Dapat Digabungkan atau Dipadukan (Interferensi)
            Interferensi gelombang terjadi ketika ada dua buah gelombang yang bersatu (berpadu) sehingga menghasilkan pola interferensi maksimum dan minimum. Peristiwa ini akan dibahas lebih lanjut pada pokok bahasan selanjutnya tentang Gelombang Cahaya.

5. Dapat Dikutubkan (Polarisasi)
            Polarisasi adalah peristiwa terserapnya sebagian atau seluruh arah getar gelombang. Peristiwa polarisasi ini hanya terjadi pada gelombang transversal. Lebih lanjut dibahas pada pokok bahasan selanjutnya tentang Gelombang Cahaya.

6. Dapat Diuraikan (Dispersi)
            Mengapa dinding sekolah berwarna hijau? Mengapa langit berwarna biru? Hal ini karena cahaya matahari mengalami gejala dispersi. Cahaya matahari yang Anda lihat berwarna putih, sebenarnya terdiri atas sinar-sinar merah, jingga, kuning, hijau, biru, nila, ungu. Ketika Anda melihat dinding sekolah berwarna hijau, artinya dinding sekolah memiliki kemampuan untuk memantulkan pigmen warna hijau, dan menyerap warna selain hijau
            Demikian juga yang terjadi ketika langit tampak berwarna biru. Ketika Anda melihat whiteboard berwarna putih, artinya seluruh pigmen warna dipantulkan ke mata kita, dan ketika papan tulis berwarna hitam, artinya seluruh pigmen warna diserap oleh papan tulis (tidak ada pigmen warna yang dipantulkan).

B.        Sifat - Sifat dari Gelombang Bunyi

1. Gelombang Bunyi Memerlukan Medium Dalam Perambatannya
            Karena gelombang bunyi merupakan gelombang mekanik, maka dalam perambatannya bunyi memerlukan medium. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan saat dua orang astronout berada jauh dari bumi dan keadaan dalam pesawat dibuat hampa udara, astronout tersebut tidak dapat bercakap-cakap langsung tetapi menggunakan alat komunikasi seperti telepon. Meskipun dua orang astronout tersebut berada dalam satu pesawat. Kemampuan medium untuk menggetarkan partikel berbeda – beda bahkan ada medium yang dapat meredam bunyi, misalnya air.

2. Gelombang Bunyi Mengalami Pemantulan (Refleksi)
            Salah satu sifat gelombang adalah dapat dipantulkan sehingga gelombang bunyi juga dapat mengalami hal ini. Hukum pemantulan gelombang: sudut datang = sudut pantul juga berlaku pada gelombang bunyi. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan bahwa pemantulan bunyi dalam ruang tertutup dapat menimbulkan gaung. Yaitu sebagian bunyi pantul bersamaan dengan bunyi asli sehingga bunyi asli terdengar tidak jelas. Untuk menghindari terjadinya gaung maka dalam bioskop, studio, radio, televisi, dan gedung konser musik, dindingnya dilapisi zat peredam suara yang biasanya terbuat dari kain wol, kapas, gelas, karet, atau besi.

3. Gelombang Bunyi Mengalami Pembiasan (Refraksi)
            Salah satu sifat gelombang adalah mengalami pembiasan. Peristiwa pembiasan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari misalnya pada malam hari bunyi petir terdengar lebih keras daripada siang hari. Hal ini disebabkan karena pada pada siang hari udara lapisan atas lebih dingin daripada di lapisan bawah. Karena cepat rambat bunyi pada suhu dingin lebih kecil daripada suhu panas maka kecepatan bunyi di lapisan udara atas lebih kecil daripada di lapisan bawah, yang berakibat medium lapisan atas lebih rapat dari medium lapisan bawah. Hal yang sebaliknya terjadi pada malam hari. Jadi pada siang hari bunyi petir merambat dari lapisan udara atas ke lapisan udara bawah.
            Jika bunyi datangnya merambat vertikal ke bawah, pada malam hari, arah rambat bunyi dibiaskan mendekati garis normal. Sebaliknya, pada siang hari arah rambat bunyi dibiaskan menjauhi garis normal. Sesuai dengan hukum pembiasan gelombang bahwa gelombang datang dari medium kurang rapat ke medium lebih rapat akan dibiaskan mendekati garis normal atau sebaliknya.

4. Gelombang Bunyi Mengalami Pelenturan (Difraksi)
            Gelombang bunyi sangat mudah mengalami difraksi karena gelombang bunyi di udara memiliki panjang gelombang dalam rentang sentimeter sampai beberapa meter. Difraksi adalah peristiwa pelenturan gelombnag ketika melewati celah, yang ukuran celahnya se- orde dengan panjang gelombangnya. Seperti yang kita ketahui, bahwa gelombang yang lebih panjang akan lebih mudah di difraksikan. Peristiwa difraksi terjadi misalnya saat kita dapat mendengar suara mesin mobil di tikungan jalan walaupun kita belum melihat mobil tersebut karena terhalang oleh bangunan tinggi di pinggir tikungan.

5. Gelombang Bunyi Mengalami Perpaduan (Interferensi)
            Gelombang bunyi mengalami gejala perpaduan gelombang atau interferensi, yang dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu interferensi konstruktif atau penguatan bunyi dan interferensi destruktif atau pelemahan bunyi. Misalnya waktu kita berada diantara dua buah loud-speaker dengan frekuensi dan amplitudo yang sama atau hampir sama maka kita akan mendengar bunyi yang keras dan lemah secara bergantian.

6. Gelombang Bunyi Mengalami Pelayangan Bunyi
            Interfensi yang ditimbulkan dari dua gelombang bunyi dapat menyebabkan peristiwa pelayangan bunyi, yaitu penguatan dan pelemahan bunyi. Hal tersebut terjadi akibat superposisi dua gelombnag yang memiliki frekuensi yang sedikit berbeda dan merambat dalam arah yang sama. Jika kedua gelombang bunyi tersebut merambat bersamaan, akan menghasilkan bunyi paling kuat saat fase keduanya sama. Jika kedua getaran berlawanan fase, akan menghasilkan bunyi paling lemah.

C.           Sifat  - Sifat  dari Gelombang Cahaya

1.      Gelombang Cahaya Mengalami Interferensi
            Gelombang cahaya seperti halnya gelombang bunyi yaitu dapat berinteferensi. Untuk mendapatkan inteferensi cahaya pun diperlukan sumber cahaya yang koheren, yaitu sumber cahaya yang memiliki frekuensi sama, dan beda fase tetap. Sumber cahaya yang koheren dapat diamati dari percobaan yang dilakukan oleh Young dan Fresnell. Interferensi cahaya dapat menghasilkan pola gelap terang. Pola gelap dihasilkan dari interferensi destruktif (saling melemahkan) akibat penggabungan dua gelombang yang memiliki fase berlawanan. Pola terang dihasilkan dari interferensi konstruktif (saling menguatkan) akibat penggabungan dua gelombang yang memiliki fase yang sama.

2. Gelombang Cahaya Mengalami Difraksi
            Difraksi gelombang adalah proses pembelokan gelombang yang disebabkan oleh adanya penghalang berupa celah atau sudut penghalang yang menghalangi sebagian muka gelombang. Difraksi cahaya juga terjadi pada celah sempit yang terpisah sejajar satu sama lain pada jarak yang sama. Celah sempit itu disebut kisi difraksi. Semakin banyak celah pada sebuah kisi, semakin tajam pola difraksi yang dihasilkan pada layar. Difraksi maksimum terjadi jika pada layar tampak garis – garis terang. Pola difraksi yang dibentuk juga oleh sebuah celah bulat terdiri atas bentuk terang pusat yang dikelilingi cincin terang dan gelap.

3. Gelombang Cahaya Mengalami Polarisasi
            Polarisasi adalah proses penyaringan arah getar suatu gelombang. Alat untuk meyaring arah getar ini disebut polaroid. Salah satu contohnya adalah kristal. Polarisasi juga terdapat pada pemantulan dan pembiasan, dan pada pembiasan ganda. Penyerapan dan pemantulan kembali cahaya oleh partiket disebut hamburan. Jika cahaya tidak terpolarisasi datang pada suatu medium (gas), cahaya yang dihamburkan dapat terpolarisasi sebagian atau seluruhnya. Arah polarisasi sedemikian rupa sehingga tegak lurus terhadap bidang yang dibentuk oleh garis sinar datang dan garis penglihatan.

D.      Sifat - Sifat Gelombang Elektromagnetik

1)      Perubahan medan listrik dan medan magnet terjadi pada saat yang bersamaan.

2)     Arah medan listrik dan medan magnet saling tegak lurus.

3)     Kuat medan listrik dan magnet besarnya berbanding lurus satu dengan yang lain, yaitu menurut hubungan E = c . B.

4)     Arah perambatan gelombang elektromagnetik selalu tegak lurus arah medan listrik dan medan magnet.

5)     Gelombang elektromagnetik dapat merambat dalam ruang hampa.

6)     Gelombang elektromagnetik merambat dengan laju yang hanya bergantung pada sifat-sifat listrik dan magnet medium.

7)     Laju rambat gelombang elektromagnetik dalam ruang hampa merupakan tetapan umum dan nilainyac = 3 x 108 m/s.

8)    Gelombang elektromagnetik adalah berupa gelombang transversal.

9)     Gelombang elektromagnetik dapat mengalami proses pemantulan, pembiasan, polarisasi, interferensi, dan difraksi (lenturan).



            Narrative text is a piece of writing that tell about story of imajination, and real incident or Narrative text is a text the telling of a story; the succession of events is given in chronological order.
a. Examples of Narrative Texts
            There are many types of narrative. They can be imaginary, factual or a combination of both. They may include fairy storiesmysteriesscience fictionromances, horror storiesadventure storiesfablesmyths and legendshistorical narrativesballadsslice of lifepersonal experience, Detective stones, folktale
b. Communicative Purpose
            The basic purpose of narrative is to entertain, to gain and hold a readers' interest. However narratives can also be written to teach or inform, to change attitudes / social opinions e.g. soap operas and television dramas that are used to raise topical issues. Narratives sequence people/characters in time and place but differ from recounts in that through the sequencing, the stories set up one or more problems, which must eventually find a way to be resolved.
c. The Organization of a Narrative Text
            A narrative text can have as many paragraphs as you want. However, it mainly consists of three parts : The orientation, sequence of events / complications and resolution.
-          Orientation
      Presents the settings of your story and introduces the charaters involved. Example : One day, once upon a time, last year, long time ago
-          Complications / Conflict
      Conflict is Crisis of story. The story continues here. Usually, there will be an event or a sequence of events that lead the characters into a complication (some form of conflict that disrupts the normal event). Tension starts to build up to a climax, and this draws anticipation in the readers. Example : First, Second, Then
-          Resolution
                The problem starts to get resolved. Sometimes the story ends happily or vice versa, and at other times the resolution (i.e. the ending of the story) is left for the readers to decide. Example : Finally, Last, The end of the story.
The graphic representation of these story grammar elements is called a story map. The exact form and complexity of a map depends, of course, upon the unique structure of each narrative and the personal preference of the teacher constructing the map.
d. Grammatical features related to narrative texts
-          Action Verbs
-          Adjectives
-          Connestors related to time and sequence
-          Pronouns
-          Punctuation
-          Simple Past Tense
-          Adverbs
-          Compound and Complex Sentences

            Descriptive text is a text that describes the features of someone, something, or a certain place. Descriptive writing is usually used to help a writer develop an aspect of their work, e.g. to create a particular mood, atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters, places, objects etc.
a. Examples of Descriptive Texts
            This type of descriptive are landscape descriptions, description of a character or setting
within a story.
b. Communicative Purpose
            Description is used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person, place, object or event e.g. to:
  • describe a special place and explain why it is special
  • describe the most important person in your life
c. The Organization of a Descriptive Text
            A descriptive text is comprised of general identification and description.
-          Identification
            Identifies/introduction of phenomenon to be describe.
-          Description
            Describe the characteristic of phenomenon.
d. Grammatical Features Related to Descriptive Texts
-          Simple Present Tense
-          Comparative Degree
-          Adjectives
-          Adverbs

3.         REPORT TEXT
            A report or account is any informational work (usually of writing, speech, television, or film) made with the specific intention of relaying information or recounting certain events in a widely presentable form. A report provides factual information about a spesific subject like social phenomenon (e.g. riot, demonstration, unemployment), nature (e.g. earthquakes, rain, storm, living things – animals) and man-made. The factual information provided in the report text is objective.
a. Examples of Report Texts
            Reference books, science reports, weather reports
b. Communicative Purpose
            Reports are often used to display the result of an experiment, investigation, or inquiry. Also, The  purpose of report is to inform about a specific subject. The audience may be public or private, an individual or the public in general. Reports are used in government, business, education, science, and other fields.
Reports use features such as graphics, images, voice, or specialized vocabulary in order to persuade that specific audience to undertake an action.
c. The Organization of a Report Text
            A report text is comprised of general classification and description.
-          General Classification
      Opening statement that introduces the subject.
-          Description
      Supporting paragraphs that describe the subject in detail in order to assist the readers to get more understanding / more knowledge about the subject (e.g. its qualities, appearances, habits or behaviors, uses, etc).
d. Grammatical Features Related to Report Texts
-          Simple Present Tense
-          Adjectives
-          Pronouns
-          Adverbs
-          Compound and Complex Sentences
-          Quantifiers

4.         RECOUNT TEXT
            A recount is a piece of writing that tells events in a chronological sequence. There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative. A recount text is like a narrative text in that you have to write a story, but in a recount the story is real. The story may be an event or a situasion that took place on a particular day, and you are the narrator of the whole event. The order of the events is very important.
a. Examples of Recount Texts
            Article, police report, newspaper reports, historical accounts, letters, journals, incident reports, diary entries.

b. Communicative Purpose
            Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience or to record or provide factual information or to give someone an account of an event happened in the past.
c. The Organization of a Recount Text
            A recount test consists of 3 main parts: orientation, events and re-orientation.
-          Orientation
            This part presents the background information on yhe who, when, and where of the event or Introducing the participants, place and time.
-          Events / Sequence of events
            The events are presented in chronological order or Describing series of event that happened in the past.
-          Re-orientation / Conclusion
      The event starts to end, and the writer may provide an opinion of what has happened.
d. Grammatical Features Related to Recount Texts
-          Action Verbs; look, go, change, etc
-          Adjectives
-          Connectors to do with time and sequence
-          Pronouns
-          Punctation
-          Past Tense
-          Adverbs
-          Compound and Complex Sentences
-          Linking Verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc

            A Procedure is a piece of writing which consists of instruction in the form of steps to enable the the readers to follow or text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.
a. Examples of Prosedure text
            Recipe, instruction manual, science experiment.
b. Communicative Purpose
            it explains how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps or to tell / record in sequential order the steps taken in doing or making something.
c. The Organization of a Procedure text
-          Goal
      Goal is title of the text. An opening statement with an objective.
-          Materials (not required for all prosedural text)
      List of materials or items needed in the process in the steps
-          Steps
      A series of steps listed in a logical order which will be carried out to achieve the goal. Steps is ways, methods or what you should do.
d. Grammatical Features Related to Procedure Texts
-          Adjectives
-          Connectors to do with sequence
-          Quantifiers
-          Present Tense
-          Imperative Verbs
-          Nouns
-          Temporal Conjuction (First, second, then, next, finally, etc)


News item is a type of the text that has the main function or communicative purpose to inform readers of listeners or viewer about events of the day that are considered newsworthy or important.
a. Examples of  News Item Text
            This type of News Item test is Latest news
b. Communicative Purpose
            To inform readers or listeners about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.
c. The Organization of a News Item text
            The generic structure of news item has elements as follows.
-          Headline/ title
      The main point to report in reduced clause.
-          Summary of event
      The summary of main event that is to be reported.

-          Background of event
      The explanation about what had happened (who, what, when, where).

-          Source
      Someone’s about the event.

d. Grammatical Features Related to News Item Texts

-          Action verb
-          Saying verb
-          Adverb : place, manner, time.

            A spoof is an amusing story that tells events in a chronological sequence. It is a humorous story with a twist / unexpected ending.
a. Example of Sppof Texts
            Short story and dialog writing.
b. Communicative Purpose
            To entertain the readers with an amusing story.
c. The Organization of a Spoof Text
-          Orientation
      Presents the background information of the story : who, when, and where the story happened.
-          Events
      The body tells the events that took place in order.
-          Twist / Unexpected Ending
      The event ends with an unexpected turn.
d. Grammatical Features Related to Spoof Texts
-          Action Verb ; ate, ran, etc
-          Adjective
-          Connectors to do with time and sequence
-          Pronouns
-          Punctuation
-          Simple Past Tense
-          Adverbs
-          Compound and Complex Sentences

            An important part of analytical exposition is the analysis of the text or issue. In this type of text, the writer tries to convince the readers to agree with the writer’s point of view. Analytical exposition is a type of text that belongs to the type of argumentation text where the text contains detailed author’s thinking about a phenomenon that is around.

a. Examples of Analytical Exposition Texts
            Newspaper editorials, debates, speeches.
b. Communicative Purpose
            To put forward a point of view or argument or the opinions that support the idea or topic.
c. The Organization of an Analytical Exposition Text
            An anlytical expositon consists of three main parts: thesis, arguments, and reiteration.
-          Thesis
      Intriduces topic and indicates writer’s position. The writer also outlines the main arguments to be presented.
-          Arguments
      Shows a series of arguments that support the thesis. Analytical exposition have more than two arguments. The more arguments appear, the more confident the reader.
-          Reiteration
                  In this stage, the writer restates his/her point of view. Reiteration contains rewriting or replacement of ideas that contained in the first paragraph. Reiteration is also commonly called the conclusion.
d. Grammatical Features Related to Analytical exposition Texts
-          Simple Present Tense
-          Passive Voice
-          Modal Auxiliaries
-          Verbs and Verb Phrases
-          Connectors
-          Evaluative Expressions
-          Internal and Casual Conjuction
-          Relational process

            A hortatory exposition is a piece of writing that persuades the readers to accept the writer’s point of view. Thw writer has to lead the readers to agree with his views by showing the information in a logical way. The writer focuses on his own constuctive response to the issue and draws the readers to agree with his argument. What makes hortatory different from analytical exposition is the last finalizing step which analytical exposition is ended by a reiteration while hortatory exposition is finalized by certain a recommendation
a. Examples of Hortatory Exposition Texts
            Political speeches, advertisements and newspaper editorials

b. Communicative Purpose
            To persuade the readers or listeners that something should or should not be the case or to persuade the readers to agree with the writer.
c. The Organization of an Hortatory Exposition Text
-          Thesis
            Statements or announcement of issue concern

-          Argument
                  Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation or presents the reasonable arguments of the issue to convince and lead the readers to believe writer’s point of view.

-          Recommendation
      Statement of what should or should not happen or be done based on the given arguments.
d. Grammatical Features Related to Hortatory exposition Texts
-          Action Verbs
-          Modal Adverb; certainly, surely, etc.
-          Temporal Connective ; firstly, secondly, however, therefore, etc.
-          Evaluative Word ; important, valuable, trustworthy, etc.
-          Passive Voice.
-          Simple Present Tense.
-          Modals and Adverbs ; may, must should, etc.
-          Emotive Words ; worried, alarmed, etc.
-          Qualify statements ; usual, probably, etc.


            Explanation text is a text genre which tries to explain how a thing happens or why the thing is made. Explanation textactually is similar to procedure text, however, explanation text tends to explain. While the procedure text is intended to instruct how to form or make something.
a. Examples of Explanation Texts
            The life cycle of a butterfly, and how gears work
b. Communicative Purpose
            To explain the processes involved in the formation or working of natural or sociocultural phenomena.
c. The Organization of Explanation Text
-          General statement
      stating the phenomenon issues which are to be explained.

-          Sequenced explanation
      stating a series of steps which explain the phenomena.
d. Grammatical Features Related to Explanation Texts
-          Using specific participant e.g.  sun, water, rain, etc
-          Chronological connection; to begin with, next, etc
-          Simple Present Tense
-          Action verbs
-          Passive voice
-          Noun phrase
-          Adverbial phrase
-          General and abstract noun
-          Conjunction of time and cause-effect.


   Discussion is a text which presents a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different points of view. It presents pro and contra opinion on certain issue.
a. Examples of Discussion Texts
            This kind of text is commonly found in philosophical, historic, and social text
b. Communicative Purpose
            To present arguments and information from differing viewpoints.
c. The Organization of Discussion Text
-          Issue
            contains of statement and preview about something.
-          Arguments for / Supporting arguments
            after stating the issue, it is necessary to present the argument to support that one point is agreeing.
-          Arguments against
            beside the supporting argument, discussion text need the arguments which disagree to the stated issue.
-          Recommendation/conclusion
            It is used to tell how to solve issue by concerning the arguements for and against.
d. Grammatical Features Related to Discussion Texts
-          Present Tense
-          Introducing category or generic participant.
-          Relating verb/to be: is, am, are, etc.
-          Using thinking verb: feel, hope, believe, etc.
-          Using additive, contrastive, and causal connection: similarly, on the hand, however, etc.
-          Using modalities: must, should, could, may, etc.
-          Using adverbial of manner: deliberately, hopefully, etc.
-          Conjunction/transition: although, even, if, etc.


            Review text is an evaluation of a publication, such as a movie, video game, musical composition, book; a piece of hardware like a car, home appliance, or computer; or an event or performance, such as a live music concert, a play, musical theatre show or dance show.
a. Examples of Review Texts
            The kind of text are commentary on a film, play, book etc
b. Communicative Purpose
            Review text is used to critic the events or art works for the reader or listener, such as movies, shows, book, and others
c. The Organization of Review Text
-          Orientation
      Background information of the text
-          Evaluations
      Concluding statement; judgement, opinion, or recommendation. It can consist or more than one.
-          Interpretative Recount
      Summary of an art works including character and plot.
-          Evaluative Summation
      The last opinion consisting the appraisal or the punch line of the art works being criticized.
d. Grammatical Features Related to Review Texts
-          Focus on specific participants
-          Using long and complex causes
-          Using metaphor style

            Anecdote text is one of the English text of the Narration which retells odd incident or unusual occurrence either fact or imagination.
a. Examples of Anecdote Texts
            This kind of text is Funny story and humor

b. Communicative Purpose
            Actually, from notion Text anecdote above we can infer the communicative purpose of the text anecdote recounted the incident odd or unusual events to entertain the reader.
c. The Organization of Anecdote Text
            There are 4 linguistic structure (Generic Structure) of anecdote Text, namely:
-          Abstract
            The first linguistic structure of the Abstract Text anecdote. In the Abstract, the author usually starts introducing odd or unusual events what would diceritakanya. There are a number of anecdote Text Abstract begins with the use of interrogative sentence, but not all of anecdote Abstract Text using interrogative sentence.
-          Orienation
            Structure of the second language of the anecdote Text Orientation. As in Narrative Text, Text Orientation in anecdote also tells whom, when, and where the incidence of odd or unusual events occurred.
-          Crisis
            The third linguistic structure of anecdote Text is Crisis. In this section telling the odd or unusual events occurred. The author described the events in detail.
-          Reaction / Incident
            The last linguistic structure of anecdote Text is Coda. In the Coda, the author tells the story of how the subject (doer) to solve the problem and end on odd or unusual event such.
d. Grammatical Features Related to Anecdote Texts
-           Past tense ; I found it last night.
-           Rhetoric question ; Do you know what?
-           Conjuction of time ; then, afterward, etc.
-           Action verb ; went, writed, etc.
-           Imperative sentece ; listen to this.

-           Exclamation sentence ; it's awful, it's wonderful, etc.